One of the things we do, which is required by building code, but most roofers fail to follow this:
Ice & Water barrier must be installed 3 feet past the exterior wall. This means that a 3′ wide ice shield is insufficient because even with a 6″ overhang and 6″ wall thickness, you are only 2′ past interior wall.
Our crew uses 2 rows (5.5 feet width) of Grace Select Ice & Water Shield to prevent any ice dams, and meet/exceed Mass Building Code Requirements!
Commercial (Flat/Low Slope) Roofing
Low slope / flat roofing is particularly intricate, and proper installation is the key to a long-lasting roof.
We use the best of Cooley’s PVC Roofing – C3Pro with Dow Elvaloy. While it’s an overkill for most flat roofs, this product offers the best long term water tightness and ability to repair/modify the roof even 20-30 years.

PVC is a heat-welded flat roofing membrane, that does not use any glues. Once seams are welded, the roof becomes one solid sheet, impermeable to water. Heck – you can even make a swimming pool out of it!
Elvaloy makes the material soft and pliable, unlike most other flat roofs “popular” today, which get stiff and cannot be welded. Really, Elvaloy is only needed for roofs exposed to grease or chemicals (restaurants, factories, etc.), but we feel that it makes the material better for any flat roof. So we only use the best!